8 Driving Lessons in Remuera Everyone Should Know

Remuera Everyone Should Know

The rules of driving apply everywhere, whether you’re in a city or rural area. But if you’re new to driving in a busy suburb like Remuera, it can be hard to know what the local rules are. This article will give you some of the most common drive lessons in Remuera, along with some tips on how to avoid getting into accidents.

Keep out of the blind spot:

The blind spot is the area to the side of you where you can’t see. Adjust your mirrors so that you can see in this area as well as behind you. If you have to slow down, check your blind spot before changing lanes.

Use your indicators:

When you want to turn right or left, use your indicators. It helps other drivers know what you’re doing so they can make sure there’s space for them to get out of the way if needed.

Watch the road when you’re turning:

When turning, you must look at the road you are turning onto. It is important because it means that you are looking for other vehicles driving towards you, pedestrians crossing the road and other vehicles turning into the same road as yours.

If no signs are telling you what to do at a particular intersection and if there is no signal controlling traffic flow (eg stop/go sign), then treat all intersections as uncontrolled intersections.

Don’t tailgate:

Tailgating is dangerous because it puts you at risk of being rear-ended. If the driver in front of you suddenly breaks, you will be unable to stop in time and will hit them. Also, if the driver in front of you can’t see you because they are distracted or not paying attention, then a collision is possible.

Tailgating also causes congestion on roads and contributes to accidents by encouraging other drivers to speed up or cut lanes without looking. So if you want to reduce the number of accidents, be careful not to tailgate.

Highway rules apply too:

When you are driving on a highway, the rules of the road apply to you. You must obey all traffic signs and signals, and you are responsible for knowing what they mean. For example, if there is an accident ahead and police have set up a barricade to keep vehicles from entering the area, then you must stop behind it.

Stay on the centre line:

The centre line of the road is a great place to be, so long as you are driving straight. If you want to turn left or right and cross into another lane, go ahead and do that! But once you’ve made your turn, get back on the centre line. If there are other vehicles behind yours and they need to pass, let them pass!

The left lane is for passing only! Once someone is ahead of you in the left lane, it’s time for them to get over if possible — not always possible, however — so don’t use this as an excuse for speeding up so much that other cars have no choice but to pass by on their right side. Don’t drive on the shoulder either because it’s dangerous if someone has parked there (or even if they haven’t), plus it’s illegal too!

Obey the speed limit:

The speed limit is the maximum speed that you can drive on a road. It is there to protect you, other road users and pedestrians.

Driving at a safe and legal speed helps keep traffic flowing, which keeps everyone happy. The roads are safer when everyone obeys the law.

Look well ahead in the case of an animal or cyclist:

Animals and cyclists are unpredictable. They may suddenly dart out into the road, so you need to look well ahead in case they appear. If you see an animal or cyclist just before they get hit by your car, brake hard and steer away from them if possible.


In the final line, drive lesson in Auckland is essential to know how to drive safely and legally. You should keep out of the blind spot, use indicators, watch the road when you’re turning, don’t tailgate and don’t drive over the speed limit. If you adhere to these rules, you will be safer on the road and more likely to pass your driving test.
